Cookies Policy
At we use cookies uses cookies to improve the user experience, facilitating navigation through our website. We are doing everything possible to facilitate the use of cookies, as well as their management and control when using our services.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on the Internet user's device when visiting a web page. It is the operator of the website that determines what type of information contains each cookie and what is its purpose, and can also be used by the web server each time you visit this website. Cookies are used to save time and make the web browsing experience much more efficient. However, they can be used for several different purposes ranging from remembering the login information or the one that contains your purchase order, etc.
Renewing and deleting cookies
You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed in your browser. In case you do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access some of the sections of our website.
Revocation and deletion of cookies (by browser type)
You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed in your browser by configuring the browser options installed on your computer. In case you do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access any of the sections of our website.
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Privacy Policy
In accordance with the GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS 2016/679 we inform you about the characteristics of the treatment of personal data that you provide us through the form of this web page, paper forms, email, telephone, etc.
Responsible for the processing of your data:
c/ Monturiol, 11-13
08918 - Badalona
Tel: 934607575
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose of the processing of your data:
The purpose of the treatment is to attend the queries that we formulate, to provide commercial information about our products and services, as well as offers and promotions of interest. The data provided will be kept for the duration of the commercial relationship or until requested by the interested party.
Legitimation of treatment:
The legitimacy of the treatment is based on the consent of the interested party and the legitimate interest of the person responsible.
Recipients of the data:
The data will not be transferred to third parties, except legal requirements. MORGUI CLIMA, S.L. It uses commercial shipping management software, whose servers are located within the European Union and complies with their respective laws.
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data by writing to the address of the person responsible for processing or by email to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In both cases, they must provide a copy of the DNI, Passport or documentation that allows their identification.
Likewise, they have the right to withdraw their consent for the processing of their data at any time.
Sales conditions
Els preus d'aquesta tarifa poden modificar-se per l'empresa emissora en qualsevol moment afectant a totes aquelles comandes que no hagin estat acceptades per MORGUI CLIMA S.L.
Els preus inclosos en aquesta tarifa són els recomanables per a la venta al públic. S'aplicarà l' I.V.A. vigent a totes les factures.
L'import mínim de venda establert per a generar factures serà de 20€. En el cas de vendes inferiors i degut a les altes despeses administratives, aquestes factures seran liquidades mitjançant pagaments en metàl·lic o transferencia anticipada.
Totes les mercaderies viatjaran a ports deguts. Excepcionalment, MORGUI CLIMA S.L. podrà fer-se càrrec dels ports sempre i quan s'hagi arribat a un acord previ amb el responsable comercial de la zona.
Totes les reclamacions referents a l'estat o condicions dels materials només seran ateses per MORGUI CLIMA S.L. sempre i quan el client, en el moment de la recepció d'aquestes, hagi presentat la reclamació pertinent al transportista.
MORGUI CLIMA S.L. es reserva el dret d'escollir el transportista.
Qualsevol embalatge especial que hagi estat sol·licitat pel client, serà facturat al seu càrrec.
La garantia està limitada al canvi de peces amb defecte d'origen de fabricació. MORGUI CLIMA S.L. no es responsabilitza dels defectes o problemes causats per mal ús o per mala instal·lació.
Serà necessària la confirmació de comandes mitjançant Fax, e-mail o bé document escrit per a la seva acceptació. En comandes de materials especial s'haurà d'efectuar un pagament percentual de l'import del mateix, per endavant, sent aquesta condició indispensable per a la tramitació de les comandes.
No s'admetran variacions en les formes de pagament acordades entre MORGUI CLIMA S.L. i el client, quan el material ja hagi sigut facturat. Igualment, les despeses ocasionades per impagats no atribuïbles a MORGUI CLIMA S.L. hauran de ser satisfetes pel client en la seva totalitat.
El termini de lliurament dels materials no disponibles en el nostre stock seran sempre aproximatius. MORGUI CLIMA S.L. no es responsabilitza de les possibles demores en el transport de les mercaderies.
Cap devolució de material especial serà acceptada. Les devolucions de material de stock no s'acceptaran si no hi ha constància o existència de comunicació prèvia per escrit i/o Fax i que hagin estat confirmades telefònicament pel comercial responsable de la zona. Les devolucions hauran d'anar acompanyades de la documentació següent: número del nostre albarà de lliurament; número de factura a que hi correspon si n'hi hagués. Els materials s'abonaran segons les condicions d'estat en que el material es trobi en el moment de la recepció en els nostres magatzems, reservant-se MORGUI CLIMA S.L. el dret d'estipular-hi el preu de l'abonament.
En el cas de disconformitat, el client podrà retirar el material en un termini no superior a tres setmanes a partir de la data de lliurament. En cas contrari i esgotat aquest període, MORGUI CLIMA S.L. disposarà del material a la seva conveniència.
Els ports dels materials retornats seran sempre a càrrec del client.
-Horari : de dilluns a divendres, de 8:00h a 13:00 i de 15:15h a 18:45h
Divendres tarda tancat.
-Horari d'agost : de dilluns a divendres de 8:00h a 14:00h
MORGUI CLIMA S.L. es reserva el dret de modificar els seus produtes i els preus sense previ avís.
Legal Advise
The responsible for this website is:
C/ Monturiol 11-13,
08918 - Badalona
C.I.F.: B-61356739
Registre Mercantil de Barcelona, tom 29825, foli 0173, secció GENERAL, fulla 162115, Inscripció 1
Telf: 934607575 - Fax: 934607576
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Legal Property and Copyright:
The owner of this website and its content is the company Morgui Clima, S.L. The transmission, assignment, sale, rental and / or public exposure of this website without the corresponding authorization of its owner is prohibited. The information and advice presented on this website are of an orientative nature, Morgui Clima being exempt from any liability arising from the lack of accuracy or effectiveness in such information or advice.
Morgui Clima, S.L. reserves the right to modify the content of the website without prior notice and without any type of limitation.
Web rules:
The present general conditions of use of the web page, regulate the terms and conditions of access and use of, property of MORGUI CLIMA, S.L. The user of the Portal must read and accept these conditions to use all the services and information provided by the portal. The mere access and / or use of the portal, all or part of its contents and / or services means full acceptance of these general conditions of use.
Conditions of use: These general conditions of use of this website regulate their access and use, including the contents and services made available to users in and / or through the web. However, access and use of certain content and / or services may be subject to certain specific conditions.
Modifications: MORGUI CLIMA, S.L. reserves the right to modify at any time the general conditions of use of the portal. In any case, it is recommended that you periodically consult the present terms of use of the portal, since they can be modified.
Obligations of the User: The user must respect at all times the terms and conditions established in these general conditions of use of the portal. The user expressly states that he / she will use the portal diligently and assuming any responsibility that may arise from the breach of the rules. Likewise, the user may not use the portal to transmit, store, disclose, promote or distribute data or contents that are carriers of viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or impair the operation of any program or equipment. IT or telecommunications.
Responsibility of the web: The user knows and accepts that the portal does not grant any guarantee of any nature, whether express or implicit, about the data, contents, information and services that are incorporated and offered from the web. Except for cases that the Law expressly imposes otherwise, and exclusively with the extent and extent to which it imposes, the website does not guarantee or assume any responsibility with respect to possible damages caused by the use and use of information, data and web services. In any case, the website excludes any liability for damages and losses that may be due to information and / or services provided or provided by third parties other than MORGUI CLIMA, S.L. All responsibility will be from the third party, whether supplier or collaborator.
Applicable legislation, competent jurisdiction and notifications: These conditions are governed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Spain. For any claim, the courts and tribunals of Barcelona will be competent. All the notifications, requirements, requests and other communications that the User wishes to make to the MORGUI CLIMA, S.L. must be made in writing and it will be understood that they have been correctly made when they have been received at the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Morgui Instruments
Morgui Instruments es propietat de Morgui Clima. Situada a Badalona (Barcelona), Morgui Instruments comercialitza equips de marques capdavanteres en instrumentació tècnica per la mesura i control de paràmetres de l'aire. Representa marques consolidades com Produal, Electriel, Schischek, Eliwell Joventa i Cesva. Morgui Instruments ofereix una àmplia gamma de transmissors, registradors, actuadors, manòmetres, cabalímetres, etc per oferir l'opció més apropiada en cada cas i/o instal·lació amb la finalitat de satisfer les necessitats del seus clients. Per la seva experiència i equip humà ofereix un assessorament tècnic i atenció al client que resoldrà tots els seus dubtes abans, durant i després de l'adquisició dels seus equips, perquè cap detall s'escapi al seu control. |
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